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Dr. Jennifer S. Hallett

Dr. Jennifer S. Hallett

Professor of Communication Studies, Chair of the Department of Communication Studies, Director of Academic Advising, and Co-Faculty Athletics Representative - Humanities

(706) 379-5133

Dr. Hallett is an interpersonal communication specialist. She has been teaching Communication Studies at Young Harris College since 2008. In addition to her current roles at the College, she has also served as the director of the Rhetorica Speaking Center (2009-10 and 2016-17); and was the elected Faculty Senate President in 2019-2020. Since 2010, Dr. Hallett has served on the editorial board of Communication Teacher and has also reviewed for the Iowa Journal of CommunicationSouthern Journal of Communication, and numerous communication textbooks. She has focused her professional development activities on curriculum development and teaching. Dr. Hallett’s teaching interests are primarily in intergroup and interpersonal communication topics including language and social interaction; gender, family, nonverbal, intercultural, deception, relational, social dominance, and conflict management as these relate to communication. Her research agenda has been guided primarily by intergroup issues and language, including gender and (mis)communication. In her administrative role as the Director of Academic Advising, Dr. Hallett oversees advising at YHC and works with faculty and students in all disciplines. Dr. Hallett combines her love of teaching with her love of sports in her role as a co-Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) for Young Harris College. 


  • Ph.D. Communication, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • M.A. Communication, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • B.A. Communication, Michigan State University
Areas of Teaching Specialties/Research Interests: 
  • Interpersonal communication
  • Intergroup communication
  • The dark side of interpersonal relationships
  • Language and social interaction
  • Social influence