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In recognition of your outstanding academic performance, Young Harris College is offering HOPE and Zell Miller eligible students a discounted rate of tuition as well as a unique merit scholarship opportunity.

Your tuition cost for the year will be $17,000.  And . . .

Students who are eligible for the Zell Mill Scholarship will receive an institutional merit award of $3,250.

Students who are eligible for the HOPE Scholarship will receive an institutional merit award of $2,750.

Estimated Cost of Attendance*

Residential Student Commuting Student
Full-time Tuition $17,000 $17,000
Activity and Service Fee $1,505 $1,505
Textbook Rental FREE FREE
Housing $5,500 $0
Meal Plan $5,800 $150
TOTAL $29,805 $18,655
Merit Award HOPE -$2,750 -$2,750
HOPE Scholarship -$4,992 -$4,992
Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant -$1,100 -$1,100
Out-ot-Pocket BEFORE any other aid is applied $20,963 $9,813

Additional Sources of Financial Aid

Federal Financial Aid

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is available online at  Completing the FAFSA allows you to be considered for federal grants, loans, and work study.  Our school code is 001604.

Additional Institutional Scholarships

Students may be eligible for additional institutional scholarships based on academic performance, athletic participation, artistic talents, and/or need.

  • Students interested in being a part of one of our 17 NCAA teams need to contact the coach directly. They make all roster and scholarship decisions.
  • Students interested in being a Fine Arts major will need to submit a portfolio or participate in an audition in order to determine their eligibility for a scholarship.
  • Information regarding the application process for other competitive scholarship opportunities can be found on the YHC website.

Outside Scholarships

Students are encouraged to apply for outside scholarships.  A list of scholarship search engines can be found on the YHC website.

* Tuition and fees are subject to change and must be approved by the Young Harris College Board of Trustees.

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