YOUNG HARRIS, Ga. — United States Congressman and Young Harris College Trustee Buddy Carter, Class of 1977, recently paid tribute to the life of Young Harris College alumnus and Emeritus Trustee William “Bill” F. Roberts, Class of 1952.
On Tuesday, March 8, Rep. Carter used his House Chamber General Speech time to honor Mr. Roberts, who passed away Wednesday, February 23. Carter mentioned Roberts’ well-rounded years as a YHC student. Roberts was a basketball player, a champion debater, and an officer for the College’s SPAT Club and Student Government Association. After earning an associate’s degree at YHC, he went on to play basketball and earn a bachelor’s degree in economics at Mercer University, a degree in business and accounting at Georgia State University, and a degree in law at Woodrow Wilson College of Law.
Carter acknowledged Roberts’ great financial and personal support of Young Harris College. In 2016, Roberts received the Young Harris College Medallion for his years of “love and support” of the YHC Alumni Association and the College as a whole. This is just one of the many awards and recognitions he received from YHC.
Carter also mentioned Roberts’ honorable support of the entire state of Georgia. Roberts oversaw large Georgia construction and expansion projects such as the Georgia Dome and the World Congress Center. He also served as a trustee for the State Employees’ Retirement System and oversaw the investment of over $12 billion in retirement funds.
“‘Emeritus Trustee for Young Harris,’ ‘distinguished alumni,’ ‘veteran,’ and ‘loved member of our community’ are just a few of the titles that Bill retained,” concluded Carter. “This is a tremendous loss that will be felt by many.”
Click here to view Rep. Buddy Carter’s speech.
Click here to read Bill Roberts’ obituary.
About Young Harris College
Young Harris College is a private baccalaureate and master’s degree-granting institution located in the beautiful mountains of North Georgia. Founded in 1886 and historically affiliated with The United Methodist Church, Young Harris College educates, inspires, and empowers students through an education that purposefully integrates the liberal arts and professional studies. The College has four academic divisions: Fine Arts; Humanities; Mathematics, Science, and Technology; and Professional Studies. Approximately 1,400 students are enrolled in its residential and Early College programs. The College is an active member of the NCAA Division II and remains a fierce competitor in the prestigious Peach Belt Conference. For more information, visit