Wall of Honor – 2023
The President’s Wall of Honor spotlights young YHC alumni who have gone on to do extraordinary things and continue the Mountain Lion tradition of success. Each fall, we accept nominations for young alumni with creative and innovative careers that positively impact their communities and the world.
View the 2023 Wall of Honor alumni below!

Anna Ragsdale
Doctor of Physical Therapy, Restoration Physical Therapy
- Class of 2019
- BS in Biology
- Graduated from UNG’s DPT program in 2022; certified in treatments for Parkinson’s
- Member of the American Physical Therapist Association
- Hometown: Dallas, GA
“My time in the enchanted valley was pivotal for influencing the critical thinking, communication, and leadership skills that have allowed me to successfully pursue a career in physical therapy.”

Austin Bryson
- Class of 2019
- BS in Business and Public Policy
- Activities and societies: Alpha Chi Honor Society, Young Americans for Liberty Chapter Founder and President
- Obtained a Doctorate of Law from UGA
- Currently working as a Senior Policy Analyst for the Georgia State Senate
- Hometown: Blairsville, GA
“It is a blessing that God allowed us to be raised and educated in these wondrous mountains: a home to great leaders, timeless lessons, and graceful love.”

Dane Knudsen
- Class of 2013
- BS in Biology
- Was a member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity and Inter-Greek Council, a START Orientation leader, resident assistant, and volunteer in the YHC Beetle Lab
- YHC’s first four-year graduate to complete veterinary school when he earned his DVM degree from UGA in 2017
- Currently working at Creekside Animal Hospital in Cumming, GA
- Hometown: Savannah, GA
“The small classroom size at YHC and the intimate relationships formed with classmates and professors helped foster my passion for learning.”

Daniel Deas
- Class of 2014
- BS in Business and Public Policy
- Was a French tutor, a member of Student Government Association, involved in Greek life, attends as many alumni events as possible
- Currently working as a First Officer for Endeavor Air, a subsidiary of Delta Air Lines
- Hometown: Alpharetta, GA
“As an airline pilot, I implement quick decision making, a professional and friendly demeanor in the flight deck, and a love for adventure I can all attribute to my time at Young Harris College.”

Diana Di Marco
- Class of 2016
- Completed a B.A. in History and a B.S. in Business and Public Policy with a concentration in economics
- Member of Women’s Tennis Team while at YHC
- Was also a Spanish tutor, Business & Public Policy tutor, and president of the Multicultural Club
- Activities and Societies: Alpha Chi National Honors Society, Phi Alpha Theta National History Honors Society, Multicultural Club, Business Club, Student Athlete Advisory Committee, Pre-Law Club, Scholars Consortium, Student Alumni Ambassadors Program, Young Democrats, and Tennis Student Athlete
- Currently working as an associate attorney at Brooks Injury Law, LLC
- Hometown: Alpharetta GA (though born in Argentina!)
“YHC gave me the tools, knowledge, experiences and encouragement needed to reach my goals, and I will always cherish my 4 years in the enchanted valley!”

Emalyn Cork
- Class of 2013
- BS in Biology
- Served in many leadership roles on campus including Student Government Association president, Student Ambassador, First Year Foundations peer mentor, START Orientation leader, member of the Honor Council, a member of the international English honor society Sigma Tau Delta, and the Georgia Xi chapter of the national honor society Alpha Chi
- She was presented with the Student Government Association Member of the Year Award in 2011 and crowned Homecoming Queen in 2012
- Received the Zell B. Miller Leadership Award at commencement as well as the Outstanding Biology Student Award
- Received the Young Alumni Achievement Award in 2021
- Currently working as a genetic counselor at Emory Healthcare in Atlanta, GA
“I credit Young Harris – the lessons I learned there and the people I learned them from – for who I’ve become and what I’ve been able to accomplish since graduation.”

Gabe Doster
- Class of 2019
- BS in Business and Public Policy
- Activities and societies: SPAT Club (Sigma Beta), College Republicans, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Baptist Collegiate Ministries
- Studied abroad in the UK and Ireland
- Obtained a Doctorate of Law from UGA
- Currently working as a Special Victims’ Counsel and Legal Assistance Attorney for the US Army
- Hometown: Colbert, GA
“Young Harris College provided me with the academic challenges, support, and leadership experience I needed to excel. My time in the enchanted valley will never be forgotten.”

Jordana Freitas
- Class of 2016
- Majored in Biology
- attended Augusta University, Dental College of Georgia for dental school
- Activities and societies at YHC: Alpha Chi Honor Society, Lacrosse
- Currently working in Blairsville as a dentist
- Hometown: Kennesaw, GA (born in Goias, Brazil)
“My time at Young Harris College was a transformative journey … the memories and education I received there continue to pave my path forward.”

Lathem Postell
- Class of 2017
- BA in Religious Studies
- Got a Master of Divinity from Candler School of Theology at Emory
- Currently working as Senior Pastor at Sam Jones Methodist Church
- Hometown: McDonough, GA
“Attending Young Harris College provided me with the chance to not only learn in the classroom, but to serve the community around me as I discerned a call to pastoral ministry.”

Leah Cheshier
- Class of 2016
- BA in Communication Studies with a concentration in Media and Cultural Studies
- Was involved in Theatre Young Harris as well as being an Orientation Leader and College Rep
- Activities and Societies: Gamma Psi Sorority (Secretary), Kappa Tau Omega Fraternity (Sweetheart), Chamber Choir, Theatre Young Harris, Lambda Pi Eta, Alpha Psi Omega, College Representative, Orientation Leader, Underground Bible Study Worship Leader
- Currently working at NASA as a public affairs officer for the International Space Station (former) and the Commercial Low-Earth Orbit program (present)
- Hometown: Breman, GA
“It was during my time at Young Harris that I realized I could use my degree for opportunities I never imagined. My experiences at YHC inspired me to pursue a career where my work was bigger than myself.”

Come visit the wall in-person near the Admissions area, on the second floor of the Rollins Campus Center or explore our new digital experience.
Check out the digitized Wall of Honor for 2024.