Spanish, Minor
About Spanish at Young Harris College
Spanish is designed to provide preparation in the language, literature, and culture of the Spanish-speaking world.
Spanish minor requirements
To graduate with a minor in Spanish from YHC, you’ll take 15 hours of coursework.
Lower Division Required Courses:
6-12 hours
Upper Division Required Courses:
9 hours
Minor Courses:
15 hours
Some of our most popular Spanish classes include:
SPAN 2201 Intermediate Spanish 1:
This course will solidify and expand the students’ foundation in speaking, listening, reading, and writing Spanish, as well as deepen their appreciation of Hispanic literature and culture. The class will develop the basic skills you learned in SPAN 1101 and SPAN 1102 to a higher level of communicative competence. Your knowledge of Hispanic culture will be enhanced through reading selections from literary and nonliterary works, as well as watching documentary and feature films. Oral proficiency will be stressed through classroom debates, presentations, and use of interactive technology. The basic grammar rules, which you learned in the elementary courses, will be highlighted again, together with additional, more complex grammatical structures that you will put in practice by writing short compositions in and outside class. Instruction is in Spanish
SPAN 3100 Adv. Spanish Conversation & Composition:
This advanced course is designed to build on the student’s communicative skills in a wide variety of real-life situations. We will extensively practice conversational idioms and informal spoken vocabulary. We shall also focus on reading and listening skills necessary to comprehend news materials at native oral speed. Class work consists in multi-media exposure to everyday language, use of short literary and journalistic texts, cultural texts and debates on contemporary sociocultural issues. Homework involves writing short compositions based on material discussed in class. This course can also be taken as a study abroad elective in Spain or Latin America, during the summer of the second or third year.
SPAN 3400 Introduction to Hispanic Literature:
The course explores the cultural identity and diversity of the various countries that comprise the contemporary Hispanic world on both sides of the Atlantic, through the study of literature in its historical and social contexts. Readings are selected from the four basic literary genres (narrative, poetry, drama and essay) and from a variety of Spanish-speaking countries and historical periods. The course is taught in Spanish and focuses on in-depth analysis of the selected works, vocabulary acquisition and grammar review.