Explore scholarship opportunities at Young Harris College and discover resources to achieve academic success.
Types of scholarships
Merit-based assistance is awarded in recognition of special skills, talent and/or academic ability and include academic, fine arts and athletic scholarships.
Academic scholarships
Academic Scholarships are awarded to full-time entering freshmen who are academically qualified based upon their high school GPA. Students are considered for these scholarships upon completion of the application for admission and submission of their official high school transcript. These scholarships are awarded for up to four years as long as the student meets all renewal criteria.
Transfer scholarships
Transfer Scholarships are awarded to students transferring with 30 or more hours of college-level coursework. Amounts are determined based on the student’s college GPA. Students who have completed fewer than 30 hours of college-level coursework will be considered for freshman scholarships.
Fine arts scholarships
Fine Arts Scholarships are awarded to students majoring in Art, Graphic Design, Music, Music Education, Musical Theatre, Theatre Performance or Theatrical Design and Production and who demonstrate an outstanding ability in their area of study. Awarding includes an on-campus interview, audition, survey of the applicant’s portfolio and written recommendations.
Athletic scholarships
Athletic Scholarships are awarded in baseball, softball, and volleyball, as well as men’s and women’s basketball, golf, lacrosse, soccer, tennis, track, and cross-country. The coaches will evaluate athletic skills of potential student-athletes. Interested students should contact the appropriate coach for additional information.
Students are strongly encouraged to search for outside scholarships for which they might qualify. Below is a list of search engines that can be used to search for additional funding opportunities.
Additional types of aid

Grants, which do not need to be repaid, help cover part of the cost of your education. They are typically based on financial need.

Loans, which must be paid back with interest, allow you to spread out the cost of education over time.

Student work-study positions are available based on financial need. They can also support your career goals.